bash-4.2$ pspp -o syntax2.html syntax2.sps
You have discovered a bug in PSPP. Please report this
to address@hidden Please include this entire
message, *plus* several lines of output just above it.
For the best chance at having the bug fixed, also
include the syntax file that triggered it and a sample
of any data file used for input.
proximate cause: Segmentation Violation
version: GNU pspp 0.8.1 (Fri Dec 6 17:54:21 UTC 2013).
host_system: i686-pc-linux-gnu
build_system: i686-pc-linux-gnu
locale_dir: /usr/local/share/locale
compiler version: 4.7.1
bash-4.2$ uname -a
Linux bersano 3.2.29-smp #2 SMP Mon Sep 17 13:16:43 CDT 2012 i686
Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
Contact me if you need any further information or test runs.
Kind regards
Frans Houweling