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Re: PSPP-BUG: pspp bug report

From: John Darrington
Subject: Re: PSPP-BUG: pspp bug report
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2016 21:53:24 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)

Thanks for the bug report.

Could you please send a copy of the syntax which provoked this error, 
or tell us what command you ran?


On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 01:49:08PM -0400, Nouchine Hadjikhani wrote:
     tobii_amygdala_pspptest.sav: error: Bad character U+0000 in input.
     tobii_amygdala_pspptest.sav: error: Bad character U+0000 in input.
     tobii_amygdala_pspptest.sav: error: Bad character U+0000 in input.
     tobii_amygdala_pspptest.sav: error: Bad character U+0000 in input.
     You have discovered a bug in PSPP.  Please report this
     to address@hidden  Please include this entire
     message, *plus* several lines of output just above it.
     For the best chance at having the bug fixed, also
     include the syntax file that triggered it and a sample
     of any data file used for input.
     proximate cause:     Segmentation Violation
     version:             GNU pspp 0.10.2-g0603f7
     host_system:         x86_64-apple-darwin15.4.0
     build_system:        x86_64-apple-darwin15.4.0
     locale_dir:          /opt/local/share/locale
     compiler version:    4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 7.3.0 (clang-703.0.29)
     Segmentation fault
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     http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to you in 
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     dispose of the e-mail.

     Bug-gnu-pspp mailing list

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