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gprof 2.10.1 bug

From: Petter Reinholdtsen
Subject: gprof 2.10.1 bug
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 18:50:14 +0100

I discovered this bug using gprof 2.9.5 on GNU/Debian Linux, but it
seem to be present in 2.10.1 as well.

I am running 'gprof -c -z' to get the call graph, and discovered a
bug.  If there are more then 9999 functions, the function index is
printed like '[10000 ', not '[10000] ', and the parser I am testing to
generate a complete call graph fails.

I believe the bug is in gprof/cg_print.c, function print_line().
There I find this construct:

  sprintf (buf, "[%d]", np->cg.index);
  printf (bsd_style_output
          ? "%-6.6s %5.1f %7.2f %11.2f"
          : "%-6.6s %5.1f %7.2f %7.2f", buf,
          100 * (np->cg.prop.self + np->cg.prop.child) / print_time,
          np->cg.prop.self / hz, np->cg.prop.child / hz);

If the buffer string is more then 6 characters, the string is
truncated.  I'm not sure how this should be solved, as it is not clear
to me if the string need to stay shorter then 6 characters to match
some fixed format.

The call graph program is available from
##>  Petter Reinholdtsen <##    | address@hidden
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