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bug found in installation...

From: FrEEZ arT
Subject: bug found in installation...
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 08:11:27 -0000

this is what popped up in a fatal error message of my installation of Redhat Linux 7.0, this is the script it told me to copy and report, if it helps i was running a partionless installation all hardware and system requirements met

Traceback (innermost last):
File "/var/tmp/anaconda-7.0.1//usr/lib/anaconda/iw/progress_gui.py", line 20, in run
   rc = self.todo.doInstall ()
File "/var/tmp/anaconda-7.0.1//usr/lib/anaconda/todo.py", line 1480, in doInstall if self.method.systemMounted (self.fstab, self.instPath, self.hdList.selected()): File "/var/tmp/anaconda-7.0.1//usr/lib/anaconda/image.py", line 46, in systemMounted
   self.loopbackFile = mntPoint + fstab.filesystemSpace(mntPoint)[0][0] + \
IndexError: list index out of range

Local variables in innermost frame:
fstab: <fstab.GuiFstab instance at 84b9788>
mntPoint: /mnt/sysimage
selected: [ImageMagick, LPRng, MAKEDEV, Mesa, Mesa-devel, ORBit, ORBit-devel, SDL, SysVinit, WindowMaker, WindowMaker-libs, XFree86, XFree86-75dpi-fonts, XFree86-devel, XFree86-libs, XFree86-tools, XFree86-twm, XFree86-xdm, XFree86-xfs, Xaw3d, Xaw3d-devel, Xconfigurator, anacron, apmd, arpwatch, ash, aspell, at, audiofile, audiofile-devel, aumix, authconfig, autoconf, automake, awesfx, basesystem, bash, bc, bdflush, bind-utils, binutils, bison, bug-buddy, byacc, bzip2, bzip2-devel, cdda2wav, cdecl, cdp, cdparanoia, cdrecord, chkconfig, chkfontpath, compat-libstdc++, console-tools, control-center, control-center-devel, control-panel, cpio, cpp, cproto, cracklib, cracklib-dicts, crontabs, ctags, cvs, cyrus-sasl, db1, db1-devel, db2, db3, desktop-backgrounds, dev, dev86, dhcpcd, dia, dialog, diffstat, diffutils, dip, docbook, dosfstools, dump, e2fsprogs, ed, ee, eject, elm, emacs, emacs-X11, emacs-nox, enlightenment, esound, esound-devel, exmh, expect, extace, fetchmail, file, filesystem, fileutils, findutils, finger, flex, fnlib, fortune-mod, freetype, ftp, gawk, gcc, gcc-c++, gcc-g77, gcc-objc, gd, gd-devel, gdb, gdbm, gdbm-devel, gdk-pixbuf, gdk-pixbuf-devel, gdm, gedit, gettext, gftp, ghostscript, ghostscript-fonts, gimp, gimp-devel, glade, glib, glib-devel, glibc, glibc-devel, gmc, gmp, gnome-applets, gnome-audio, gnome-audio-extra, gnome-core, gnome-core-devel, gnome-games, gnome-games-devel, gnome-libs, gnome-libs-devel, gnome-linuxconf, gnome-media, gnome-objc, gnome-objc-devel, gnome-pim, gnome-pim-devel, gnome-print, gnome-users-guide, gnome-utils, gnorpm, gnotepad+, gnumeric, gnupg, gphoto, gpm, gpm-devel, gqview, grep, groff, groff-perl, gtk+, gtk+-devel, gtk-engines, gtop, guile, gv, gzip, hdparm, ical, imlib, imlib-cfgeditor, imlib-devel, indent, indexhtml, inews, info, initscripts, ipchains, iproute, iptables, iputils, isapnptools, isdn-config, isdn4k-utils, jadetex, kbdconfig, kernel, kernel-headers, kernel-pcmcia-cs, kernel-utils, kernelcfg, krb5-devel, krb5-libs, kudzu, kudzu-devel, less, libPropList, libghttp, libghttp-devel, libglade, libglade-devel, libgtop, libgtop-devel, libjpeg, libjpeg-devel, libpng, libpng-devel, librep, libstdc++, libstdc++-devel, libtermcap, libtermcap-devel, libtiff, libtiff-devel, libtool, libtool-libs, libungif, libungif-devel, libxml, libxml-devel, lilo, links, linuxconf, linuxconf-devel, logrotate, losetup, lrzsz, lsof, ltrace, lynx, m4, magicdev, mailcap, mailx, make, man, man-pages, mc, memprof, metamail, mikmod, mingetty, minicom, mkbootdisk, mkinitrd, mkisofs, mktemp, mkxauth, modemtool, modutils, mount, mouseconfig, mpage, mpg123, mtools, multimedia, mutt, ncftp, ncompress, ncurses, ncurses-devel, net-tools, netcfg, netpbm, netpbm-devel, netpbm-progs, netscape-common, netscape-communicator, newt, newt-devel, nfs-utils, njamd, nmh, ntsysv, openjade, openldap, openssh, openssh-askpass, openssh-askpass-gnome, openssh-clients, openssl, openssl-devel, pam, passwd, patch, pciutils, pciutils-devel, pdksh, perl, pidentd, pine, playmidi, playmidi-X11, plugger, pmake, pnm2ppa, popt, portmap, ppp, printtool, procmail, procps, psgml, psmisc, pspell, pump, pwdb, pygnome, pygnome-libglade, pygtk, pygtk-libglade, python, python-devel, python-xmlrpc, pythonlib, qt, quota, raidtools, rcs, rdate, readline, readline-devel, redhat-logos, redhat-release, rep-gtk, rep-gtk-gnome, rep-gtk-libglade, rhn_register, rhn_register-gnome, rhs-printfilters, rmt, rootfiles, rp-pppoe, rp3, rpm, rpm-build, rpm-devel, rpm-python, rsh, rsync, rusers, rwho, rxvt, samba-client, samba-common, sane, sash, sawfish, screen, sed, sendmail, setserial, setup, setuptool, sgml-common, sgml-tools, sh-utils, shadow-utils, shapecfg, sharutils, slang, slang-devel, slocate, slrn, smpeg, sndconfig, sox, stat, statserial, strace, stunnel, stylesheets, switchdesk, switchdesk-gnome, sysklogd, talk, tar, tcl, tclx, tcp_wrappers, tcsh, telnet, termcap, tetex, tetex-afm, tetex-dvilj, tetex-dvips, tetex-fonts, tetex-latex, tetex-xdvi, texinfo, textutils, time, timeconfig, timetool, tin, tix, tk, tkinter, tksysv, tmpwatch, traceroute, trn, umb-scheme, unzip, up2date, up2date-gnome, urlview, urw-fonts, usermode, utempter, util-linux, vim-common, vim-minimal, vixie-cron, which, whois, wmakerconf, wmconfig, words, wvdial, xcdroast, xchat, xinitrc, xisdnload, xloadimage, xmailbox, xmms, xmorph, xpaint, xpdf, xrn, xsane, xscreensaver, xsri, xxgdb, yp-tools, ypbind, zip, zlib, zlib-devel, zsh]
self: <image.CdromInstallMethod instance at 84b7770>
p: enlightenment
changeloop: 1

ToDo object:


dont know how much help this is but feel free to contact me...will try installation a third time.
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