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objdump segfaulted on me

From: Chris McCann
Subject: objdump segfaulted on me
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 11:12:35 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.17i

Hello I tried to use objdump to dissassamble a power-pc elf file and it
produced a core file.

Objectdump version = GNU objdump 2.10.91
Platforms tried on =
Linux gimli 2.2.19-1k #1 Thu May 31 14:57:36 MDT 2001 ppc
QNX rivendell 6.1.0 2001/06/25-15:31:48edt x86pc x86

command line =
objdump --syms --disassemble-all -S startup-pcippc-2 > startup.dump

I know this does not give much information on what happened but I didn't
what to send large binary files your way.  I tried a few varations of
the command and it seems that the -S option is the offending on.  When I
remove -S all works as expected.

I can send you the .elf file the core file but I can not send the source
due to an agreement with QNX software.

Thanks Chris
//Chris McCann                |The woods are lovely, dark and deep.    //
//address@hidden         |But I have promises to keep,            //
//address@hidden           |And miles to go before I sleep,         //
//                            |And miles to go before I sleep.         //
//                            |                               R.Frost  //

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