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gdbm ignores --prefix (patch included)

From: Eric Buddington
Subject: gdbm ignores --prefix (patch included)
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 15:14:23 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

gdbm 1.8.0 was configured thusly:

./configure --prefix=/packages/gdbm/1.8.0/any 
--exec-prefix=/packages/gdbm/1.8.0/any i386

and compiled beautifully, but on 'make install', attempted to install
under /usr/local. This seems to be written into Makefile.in.

This patch fixes the problem, though I suspect not *quite* correctly -
doesn't configure set some variables for mandir, libdir, bindir, etc?
This patch only honors @prefix@ and @address@hidden

Please let me know if this is uesful, or if a different approach is
needed. I'm willing to put in a littel time fixing this if you're
likely to apply the patch (but I don't want to waste my time).


--- gdbm-1.8.0/Makefile.in.orig Mon Sep 17 15:06:58 2001
+++ gdbm-1.8.0/Makefile.in      Mon Sep 17 15:07:57 2001
@@ -30,19 +30,13 @@
-# Common prefix for installation directories
-#prefix = /usr/local
-#exec_prefix = $(prefix)
-#binprefix = $(exec_prefix)
-#manprefix = $(prefix)
 # Directory in which to put libgdbm.a.
-libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
+libdir = @exec_prefix@/lib
 # The include directory for gdbm.h and dbm.h.
-includedir = $(prefix)/include
+includedir = @prefix@/include
 # Info and man directories.
-infodir = $(prefix)/info
-man3dir = $(prefix)/man/man3
+infodir = @prefix@/info
+man3dir = @prefix@/man/man3
 manext = 3
 #### End of system configuration section. ####

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