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Re: GNU m4 1.4 problems

From: Barrie Stott
Subject: Re: GNU m4 1.4 problems
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 16:18:31 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.0.1i

As a follow-up to my recent post, I have managed to sort out the second of the
problems. All that was required was the omission of quotes around the RHS of
the second define; the old definition which appears first below should be
replaced by the one which follows it.

        define(`xdefine', `define(`_$1', `$2')
                define(`$1', `_args$`'1(`_$1')')')

        define(`xdefine', `define(`_$1', `$2')
                define(`$1', _args$`'1(`_$1'))')

I would not know how to add to the documentation to deal with this and, with
the solution in front of me, it seems obvious.

All I can do is apologise for any inconvenience, which I do, and say that no
reply is needed.


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