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Re: problems using libiconv

From: Hans-Bernhard Broeker
Subject: Re: problems using libiconv
Date: 20 Apr 2002 14:08:42 GMT

Genty Jean-Paul <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi 

>  I wish to convert a ISO-8859-6 string to UTF-8.
> I use iconv_string shipped with libiconv.

> To simplify my initial string is 
> szArabic[0]= 0x0D;
> szArabic[1]= 0x0D;
> szArabic[2]= 0x0D;
> szArabic[3]= 0x00;

> The arabic letter DAD ( 214 ) is repeated three times in my string .

Not if the above really describes the contents of it correctly. 0x0D
is the ASCII character for carriage return, and even though I've never
seen any reference for iso-8859-6 in my life, I'm certain that it does
not override the meaning of a well-defined and important ASCII
character code just like that.  Decimal character code 214 is 0xD6.

> size_t iSizeOut = 0;  
> char *ptrSaveUTF8Out = NULL;
> iReturnIconv = iconv_string("ISO-8859", "UTF-8",
>                (const char *)szArabic,

This should never be necessary.  Pointer casts in a C program almost
always mean some real error is being brushed under the carpet.

Hans-Bernhard Broeker (address@hidden)
Even if all the snow were burnt, ashes would remain.

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