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m4 for win32 maximum chars for arguments?

From: Tim Plessers
Subject: m4 for win32 maximum chars for arguments?
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 15:02:07 +0100

Hello there,

I'm using GNU m4 1.4 for Win32 in an automatic build process (with
Ant-1.5.1) to pre-process .java files.  Everything works as expected, except
for one issue :  I have to pass the -I argument (with the absolute path to
where my incl.m4 file sits) When that directory-structure gets deeper than x
number of characters, M4 won't run, but says: "The system cannot execute the
specified program."  First I thought the problem was the deep directory
structure, combined with Ant / Java virtual machine, but I did some looking
around, and finally came to the conclusion that windows nt / 2000 / xp can't
take more then 96 characters as an argument on 16-bit applications. (32 bit
applications can take more, probaly 256 chars)

Is it true that M4 for win32 is a 16bit app?  If it is, is it difficult to
compile it to a 32bit app?  Ofcourse, I could try to pass the relative path,
which will result an arguement less than 96 chars.

Tim Plessers

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