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grep 2.5.1 segfault, and (more) color patch (again)

From: Eric Agnew
Subject: grep 2.5.1 segfault, and (more) color patch (again)
Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2003 22:56:23 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i-ja.1

First, a bug report: I'm getting a segfault on grep 2.5.1 when grepping
the edict file ( http://ftp.cc.monash.edu.au/pub/nihongo/edict.gz ):

        egrep '^(.)(.)(.)\1\2\3 ' edict
        grep '^\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\1\2\3 ' edict

both output 13 lines and the seg fault.  strace didn't seem to tell me
anything, and I've never been able to figure out gdb, so.. hopefully
someone will be able to reproduce it..  For reference, I'm running
Linux (debian/unstable) on x86.

Also, I sent in a color patch over 2 years ago, and it doesn't appear to
have made it into the latest release, so I've re-merged it in & am
submitting it again.  Most of it was ripped out of the color handling
code for GNU ls, including the GREP_COLORS env parsing stuff.  In
addition to the pattern highlighting, which grep 2.5.1 now has, it'll
also highlight the filename, line/byte numbers (w/ 0 in a different
color on count), and context lines.  Hopefully this will get folded
into upstream sometime, or I may be resubmitting it again in another 2
years... :)

Color patch attached.

Eric Agnew                                       agnew at geekhive dot net

Attachment: grep-2.5.1-color_patch
Description: Text document

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