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Re: GNU recode 3.6: invalid HTML entity references (was: recode html..ut

From: Kevin Rodgers
Subject: Re: GNU recode 3.6: invalid HTML entity references (was: recode html..utf-8 fails to convert "' " and other XML issues)
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 10:06:17 -0700

> 3. HTML 4.01 is based on SGML Technical Corrigendum 2 (Annexes K and L),
>    which allows hexadecimal character references.  But as with SGML,
>    "&#x" is only recognized as a delimiter if it is immediately followed
>    by a hexadecimal digit (a decimel digit, lowercase letters "a-f", or
>    uppercase letters "A-F").  In XML generally, the "x" must be
>    lowercase (from SGML Annex L.2 and its own spec), but the HTML 4.01
>    SGML declaration allows "X" as well, so it's not clear whether XHMTL
>    allows "X" or just "x".

Actually, it is clear:  only "&#x" is allowed in XHTML 1.0.  See


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