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M4 Problem with Macro 'regexp' (2)

From: Frank Schwidom
Subject: M4 Problem with Macro 'regexp' (2)
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 01:58:58 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040913

Dear Developers.

I investigated the yesterday to you reported bug exactlier and i found, that the originating problem is to find in libc6 (maybe this is glibc-2.3.2 because (a) this link /lib/libc.so.6 -> libc-2.3.2.so and (b) the installing of the source of libc6-dev and libc6 causes the installing of glibc-2.3.2 in debian). The file test3.m4 in the report shows an easier understandable m4-source-sode of the bug. Well. If the Bug appears, m4 outputs an 'Error matching regular expression'.

In the m4 is the following code responsible for this behaviour:
static void
m4_regexp (struct obstack *obs, int argc, token_data **argv)
 length = strlen (victim);
 startpos = re_search (&buf, victim, length, 0, length, &regs);
 xfree (buf.buffer);

 if (startpos  == -2)
     M4ERROR ((warning_status, 0,
               "Error matching regular expression \"%s\"", regexp));

The corresponding Code in glibc-2.3.2 is the following:

static int
re_search_stub (bufp, string, length, start, range, stop, regs, ret_len)

 pmatch = re_malloc (regmatch_t, nregs);
 if (BE (pmatch == NULL, 0))
   return -2;


I cannot really believe, that re_malloc cannot allocate Memory (I have 1 GB, this sould be enough for this little String). It seems to be non-ambiguous, except the following case occurs (later in the code):

static int
re_search_stub (bufp, string, length, start, range, stop, regs, ret_len)

 pmatch = re_malloc (regmatch_t, nregs);
 if (BE (pmatch == NULL, 0))
   return -2;

 result = re_search_internal (bufp, string, length, start, range, stop,
                              nregs, pmatch, eflags);

 rval = 0;

 /* I hope we needn't fill ther regs with -1's when no match was found.  */
 if (result != REG_NOERROR)
   rval = -1;
 else if (regs != NULL)
     /* If caller wants register contents data back, copy them.  */
     bufp->regs_allocated = re_copy_regs (regs, pmatch, nregs,
     if (BE (bufp->regs_allocated == REGS_UNALLOCATED, 0))
       rval = -2; //              <= here       <= here        <= here

 if (BE (rval == 0, 1))
if (ret_len) // <= here not: ret_len is 0 because re_search calls re_search_stub with parameter ret_len set to 0 (m4 calls re_search)
         assert (pmatch[0].rm_so == start); <= here not
         rval = pmatch[0].rm_eo - start;
       rval = pmatch[0].rm_so; // <= or here?


This is only read by me and not tested in any way, because i better keep the present libc6 working on my computer. But, I hope, I could help something.

Regards, Frank Schwidom.

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