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little suggestion for xgettext

From: William J Poser
Subject: little suggestion for xgettext
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 09:40:13 -0400 (EDT)

When I work on a translation, it drives me crazy that the translation
is not aligned with the msgid. I find myself constantly aligning them,
which causes additional errors when I put the space inside the
string to be translated or delete a quote or something. So I've patched
xgettext to add a space after "msgid" so that the string aligns with
the one following "msgstr". Maybe I'm the only one this bothers, but
here's the patch in case other people are willing to adopt it.

--- oldwrite-po.c       2005-09-02 13:42:37.589152288 +0000
+++ write-po.c  2005-09-02 13:08:35.975524736 +0000
@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@
 This will cause problems to translators who use a character encoding\n\
 different from yours. Consider using a pure ASCII msgid instead.\n\
 %s\n"), mp->msgid));
-  wrap (fp, NULL, "msgid", mp->msgid, mp->do_wrap, charset);
+  wrap (fp, NULL, "msgid ", mp->msgid, mp->do_wrap, charset);
   if (mp->msgid_plural != NULL)
     wrap (fp, NULL, "msgid_plural", mp->msgid_plural, mp->do_wrap, charset);
Bill Poser, Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania
http://www.ling.upenn.edu/~wjposer/ address@hidden

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