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Release of version 4.6.1-pre3 of sharutils

From: Bruce Korb
Subject: Release of version 4.6.1-pre3 of sharutils
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 16:23:18 -0800 (PST)

GNU sharutils consists of two pairs of utilities: shar and unshar, and
uuencode and uudecode.  "shar" makes so-called shell archives out of
many files, preparing them for transmission by electronic mail
services (converting binary data to ascii representations, breaking
the text into multiple shar scripts, etc.).  "unshar" is the safe way
to extract and reassemble the original files.  It will automatically
strip off the mail headers and other introductory text.

"uuencode" and "uudecode" are programs that convert binary files into
ascii text so that the original data can pass through the email system
without having intermediate hosts "fixing" the files en route.

Translation information:
sharutils.pot has changed with this release.  Several message strings
were formed assuming English ordering of concepts.  Now these are each
constructed from a single printf formatting string.

Several translations noted that the prompt:

  [no, yes, all, quit]

was not translatable because the the answer had to be in English,
so you could not prompt in another language.  This has been solved.
Here is an example of the fixed scripting in Spanish:

ans_yes='sí'    yes_means='overwrite this file'
ans_no='no'     no_means='salte este archivo'
ans_all='todo'    all_means='overwrite all files'
ans_none='ningun'   none_means='overwrite no files'
ans_help='ayuda'   help_means='explique las opciones'
ans_quit='salga'   quit_means='salga inmediatamente'
user_answers='no yes all none help quit'
[<${ans_no}>, ${ans_yes}, ${ans_all}, ${ans_none}, ${ans_help}, ${ans_quit}] ? "

if test -z "${shar_wish}" ; then answer=no ; else
  case "${ans_yes}"  in "${shar_wish}"* ) answer=yes  ; break ;; esac
  case "${ans_no}"   in "${shar_wish}"* ) answer=no   ; break ;; esac
  case "${ans_all}"  in "${shar_wish}"* ) answer=all  ; break ;; esac
  case "${ans_none}" in "${shar_wish}"* ) answer=none ; break ;; esac
  case "${ans_quit}" in "${shar_wish}"* ) answer=quit ; break ;; esac

Then each file is queried about as follows:

  while : ; do
    case $shar_wish in
      all) ${echo} 'x - overwriting src/encode.c' ; break ;;
      none) break ;;
      *) ${echo} $shar_n "? - overwrite src/encode.c${ans_list}"$shar_c
         if test -n "$shar_tty"
         then read shar_wish < $shar_tty
         else read shar_wish
         eval "${eval_ans}" ;;
    for f in ${user_answers}
    do eval printf "'%-9s %s\n'" \"\${ans_${f}}\" \"\${${f}_means}\"
  case "${shar_wish}" in
    quit) ${echo} 'extracción abortada'; exit 1 ;;
    none) ${echo} 'x - SKIPPING src/encode.c' ; shar_skip=yes ;;
    no)   shar_skip=yes ;;
    yes | all)  shar_skip=no  ;;

Hmmm.  It seems not all strings were translated, tho I did put them
in the es.po file.  There must be something mysterious that I don't
know about...

This is an alpha release of sharutils.

Version 4.6.1-pre3 - November 2005, by Bruce Korb

* Adapt to "md5sum" version changes
* clean up message strings.  Let translators order the components properly.
* Put nearly all the longer shell fragments into the "scripts.def" file.
* a couple of CYGWIN fopen() cleanups in uu-en/de-code.c.

sharutils home:  http://www.gnu.org/software/sharutils/
primary ftp:     ftp://autogen.sourceforge.net/data/
.tar.gz:         ftp://autogen.sourceforge.net/data/sharutils-4.6.1-pre3.tar.gz
bug reports:     bug-gnu-utils at the usual GNU domain
                 (be sure to mention "sharutils" in the subject...
                 it helps to spot the message.)
bug archive:     http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-gnu-utils/
maintainer:      Bruce Korb - bkorb at the usual GNU domain

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