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Re: compatibility between gawk 3.1.1 and 3.1.5 ?

From: Aharon Robbins
Subject: Re: compatibility between gawk 3.1.1 and 3.1.5 ?
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 22:39:03 +0200

Greetings. Re this:

In article <address@hidden> you write:
>dear all
>I've built an awk script that works fine using gawk 3.1.1
>it crashes after the first loop of commands using gawk 3.1.5
>it has been provided an output error message:
><<*** glibc detected *** awk: double free or corruption
>(fasttop): 0x081134f0 ***>>
>my gawk is the standard one that comes with Linux 32bit Novell Suse 10.1
>please let me know if I have to change something in my environment or
>if it worth downloading a more recent gawk version
>thanks in advance

Without seeing your script and/or data, it's hard to be sure. You can try

        export LC_ALL=C

from the shell and then running the program; that has a good chance of
fixing problems. If that isn't good for you then please try the version
of gawk in the public CVS archive available from savannah.gnu.org.

If _that_ doesn't do the trick, I'll need to see your script and some data
and will also need to know what kind of system you're using to build gawk
on and run it, in order to try to track down the problem.


Aharon (Arnold) Robbins --- Pioneer Consulting Ltd.     arnold AT skeeve DOT com
P.O. Box 354            Home Phone: +972  8 979-0381    Fax: +1 206 350 8765
Nof Ayalon              Cell Phone: +972 50  729-7545
D.N. Shimshon 99785     ISRAEL

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