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Test failures in sharutils-4.13.3

From: Peter Fales
Subject: Test failures in sharutils-4.13.3
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 16:14:34 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

I'm getting corrupt output from sharutils when the -L  option is used.

If gotten as far determing that SPLIT_SIZE_LIMIT is marked as 
unused when it reaches line 970 in shar.c, so archive_type_position
is not set on line 980.  

971     {
972       int len = snprintf (explain_text_fmt, sizeof (explain_text_fmt),
973                           explain_fmt_fmt, explain_1_len, explain_2_len);
974       if ((unsigned)len >= sizeof (explain_text_fmt))
975         strcpy (explain_text_fmt, "#%-256s\n#%-256s\n");
977       /* May be split, provide for white space for an explanation.  */
979       fputs ("#\n", output);
980       archive_type_position = ftell (output);
981       fprintf (output, explain_text_fmt, "", "");
982     }

When it later hits line 1385, it seeks to position 0 and clobbers the
first part of the file.

1381  if (part_number == 1)
1382    {
1383      /* Rewrite the info lines on the first header.  */
1385      fseek (output, archive_type_position, SEEK_SET);
1386      fprintf (output, explain_text_fmt, explain_1, explain_2);
1387    }

I don't understand the option parsing code well enough to understand
why the test on line 970 is failing.

Peter Fales
Member of Technical Staff
1960 Lucent Lane
Room: 9H-505
Naperville, IL 60566-7033
Email: address@hidden
Phone: 630 979 8031

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