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A plea for help from a novice student, looking forward to your replies.

From: 82259036
Subject: A plea for help from a novice student, looking forward to your replies. Thank you!
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2024 01:00:29 +0800

Hello, I am a student who has just started learning to use gcc mingw. I 
encountered a problem that I couldn't find any relevant information online, so 
I would like to ask for your help: I want the generated exe file to have only 
one section .text (I want to merge .text, .rdata, and .idata). How should I do 
this? Is my lds script written incorrectly if it looks like this:  

  . = ALIGN(__section_alignment__);
&nbsp; .text&nbsp; __image_base__ + ( __section_alignment__ < 0x1000 ? . : 
__section_alignment__ ) :
&nbsp; {
&nbsp; &nbsp; *(.idata) *(SORT(.idata$*)) *(.text) *(.data) *(.rdata) 
*(SORT(.rdata$*)) KEEP(*(.pdata*)) *(.bss)&nbsp;
&nbsp; }

How can I merge them together? Looking forward to your reply, thank you.



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