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Re: bug report of gnuastro 0.22

From: Mohammad Akhlaghi
Subject: Re: bug report of gnuastro 0.22
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2024 02:11:47 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Dear Professor Ichikawa,

Thanks for the fast check! It was great to see that the segmentation faults no longer occur. The remaining FAIL had a very simple fix, which I was able to implement in this commit:


The latest tarball now contains this fix:


If you get a chance to verify that this tarball has no FAILs, it would be great.

Thanks again for the very useful bug report,

P.S. Just as a side-note, the particular script that crashed enables the very nice display of the full dynamic range of astronomical images in publications. See the bottom two panels of the figure in its paper:


It can also be used without libjpeg, just set the output file as PDF. We have also prepared a tutorial in the book on how to optimize the script for the particular dataset:


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