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RE: [Bug-gnubg] Some Questions about rollouts.

From: David Montgomery
Subject: RE: [Bug-gnubg] Some Questions about rollouts.
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2002 08:36:41 -0800

> Do you have code for other reductions, e.g., 66%, 50% or 25%? Also, it
> would be very nice to make this work for 3-ply evaluations as well.
> Jørn

I've attached my file for lookahead roll lists.  It has code
for 50% and 25% sampling, as well.  I think it would be relatively
straightforward to add these for 2-ply eval.

In my program it is intended to work easily with deeper evaluations.
You can say that you want 50% at the 2-ply level, and then 25% at
the 3-ply level, for example.  But I think this interacts a lot with
how you do lookahead evaluations, so I'm not prepared to say this
is easy.  One thing that I found to be important, as is mentioned
in the comments, was to use a stack of rotation counters ... that
is, you don't want your iteration over the 3-ply groups to affect
your iteration over the 2-ply groups.

You can see how I use larolls in the function below.  Just scan
for larl_

static void
laeval_eval( eBoard_t *eb, int ply ) {
 *  Ply is at least 1... this is lookahead evaluation.
 *  bep   = basic (no lookahead) evaluation procedure
 *  claep = candidate lookahead evaluation procedure
 *  flaep = final lookahead evaluation procedure
 *  If ply is 1, no claep, no flaep, no pruning... just evaluate all the
 *  moves with bep and store the average.
 *  If ply is 2, no claep.  Flaep is 1-ply lookahead.  Evaluate the moves
 *  with bep and apply post-basic pruning, then evaluate the survivors with
 *  flaep and store the average.
 *  If ply > 2, then...
 *  1) evaluate with bep, apply post-basic pruning
 *  2) claep: evaluate with ply-2 lookahead.  This recurses so that what
 *      is that plays will be evaluated with 1, ..., ply-3 lookahead first,
 *      using the candidate pruning policy for the appropriate depth.
 *      after ply-2 lookahead is done the finalPruningPolicy[depth] is
 *  3) flaep: evaluate with ply-1 lookahead.  Average over this is ply
    static int depth = -1;
    const eProcedure_t    *bep;
    eProcedure_t    claep;
    eProcedure_t    flaep;
    eMoveList_t     *eml[ MAX_LA_ROLL_LISTS ];
    int             wt[ MAX_LA_ROLL_LISTS ];
    int             rollIndexer[21];
    int             numLists;
    boolean         needEvals;
    int             count;
    int             i;

    /* --- get basic eval procedures --- */
    if ( depth == 0 || fixedEvalProcedure ) bep = startBoardEvalProcedure;
    else                                    bep =
getNoLookaheadEvalProcedure( eb->b );
    assume( bep->evalLength == startBoardEvalProcedure->evalLength );

         *      Handle game over as a special case, so that we can
         *      be sure not to advance the game beyond the move that
         *      ends it.  Otherwise you could end up with it looking
         *      like a win for me, for you, for me, etc., depending
         *      on depth of lookahead.
        if ( gameOver(eb->b) ) {
                assume( eb->b[ POS_BORNE_OFF ] == 15 );

        /* --- prepare for lookahead --- */
    eml_setLAlistMemory( eCellMemory[depth], eBoardMemory[depth] );
    if ( twoSided ) flopBoard( eb->b );
    if ( ply == rootPly ) larl_restart();
    needEvals = ( ply+depth == rootPly );
        if ( depth == 2 ) printf( "Depth 2\n" );

    /* --- set eProcedures outside loop --- */
    if ( ply > 2 && postBasicPruningPolicy[depth].maxCandidates != 1 ) {
        claep.numSteps = ply-2;
        claep.ev = candidateEvaluators[ply-1];
        claep.pp = (pruningPolicy_t*) candidatePruningPolicy[depth]; //
const cast
        claep.required = nothingRequired;
    if ( ply > 1 ) {
        flaep.numSteps = 1;
        flaep.ev = &finalEvaluator[ply-1];

    /* --- initialize accumulators --- */
    count = 0;
    zeroEboardEval( eb, needEvals );

    /* --- get the move lists --- */
    larl_getMoveLists( eb->b, eml, wt, &numLists, rollIndexer );

    /* --- store overall info for la breakdown --- */
    if ( ply == rootPly && storeBreakdown ) {
        assume( eb->laBreakdown == NULL );
        eb->laBreakdown = newMemory( sizeof(laBreakdown_t) );
        eb->laBreakdown->evalLength = bep->evalLength;
        eb->laBreakdown->numVariations = numLists;
        memcpy( eb->laBreakdown->rollIndexer, rollIndexer, sizeof(int)*21 );

    /* --- do each list --- */
    for ( i=0; i < numLists; i++ ) {

        /* --- basic eval --- */
        if ( eml[i]->length > 1 || ply == 1 )
            evaluatePlays( eml[i], bep, ply == 1 );     //lint !e730 boolean
arg to fn

        /* --- lookahead candidate pruning --- */
        if ( ply > 2 ) {
            eml_prune( eml[i], &postBasicPruningPolicy[depth] );
            if ( eml[i]->length > 1 ) {
                larl_pushDepth( 0 );
                assume( claep.numSteps == ply-2 );      //lint !e644 lint
thinks claep might not be initialized
                evaluatePlays( eml[i], &claep, FALSE );

        /* --- final lookahead scoring --- */
        if ( ply > 1 ) {
            larl_pushDepth( larl_depthStackTop() + 1 );
            eml_prune( eml[i], &finalPruningPolicy[depth] );
            assume( flaep.numSteps == 1 );              //lint !e644 lint
thinks flaep might not be initialized
            evaluatePlays( eml[i], &flaep, TRUE );

        /* --- accumulate evaluations --- */
        accumulateEboardEval( eb, eml[i]->best->eb, wt[i], needEvals );
        count += wt[i];


    if ( ply == rootPly && storeBreakdown ) {
        for ( i=0; i < numLists; i++ )
            memcpy( eb->laBreakdown->eval[i], eml[i]->best->eb->eval,
sizeof(float)*(unsigned)bep->evalLength );

    /* --- normalize evaluation --- */
    divideEboardEval( eb, count, needEvals );

    /* --- clean up --- */
    eb->info[0] = -ply;
    eml_purgeLAlistMemory( eml, numLists );
    if ( twoSided ) {
        flopBoard( eb->b );
        startBoardEvalProcedure->flopEval( eb, needEvals );


Attachment: larolls.h
Description: Text document

Attachment: larolls.c
Description: Text document

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