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Re: FW: [Bug-gnubg] Simple multi-threading... Cache

From: Øystein Johansen
Subject: Re: FW: [Bug-gnubg] Simple multi-threading... Cache
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 15:31:51 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061207)

Jonathan Kinsey wrote:
I think it might be ok to remove this optimization for the sse code - I
didn't notice any difference when I tried this (just calling
Evaluate128() every time).  Can someone with a less messed up code base
run a test to see if this code does benefit when SSE is enabled?

Yes, removing SAVE/FROMBASE is probably wise. Remember that it only gains when the whole vector (of four inputs) is zero. And the gain in general, before the vectorization, was about 5-10%. It can't gain much in the SSE evaluation.

With this removed I seem to get the correct result reliably with
multiple threads, but this is with the cache guarded - and this causes
lots of contention (threads waiting for each other).  A solution is to
rewrite the cache code to have a single entry per hash, and then
multiple threads can write to the cache at the same time.

Sounds like a good idea. However I have no idea how it should be implemented to be MT-safe. Which model? Should both storing and reading be atomic?

The current cache has a simple "two slot" approach, in that if a hash
clashes the old hit is put in a back up slot; furthermore if the 2nd
slot is hit then it's swapped with the 1st.

I haven't browsed the cache code much, this sounds more like a cuckoo scheme to me.

The cache is taken from Bob Jenkins archives. I'm not sure what differences that's made.

 With a single slot approach
there will be more cache misses (but the cache code will be slightly
quicker), some more performance testing is needed - a bigger cache than
the default 65536 would probably minimise the difference...  The other
approach is a separate cache per thread - I imagine this would be much
less effecient.

What a double layer cache, there the value is kicked totally out if there's a crash in the second layer? That will increase the hit rate.


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