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Re: argmatch: accept perfect matches in documented arglists

From: Bruno Haible
Subject: Re: argmatch: accept perfect matches in documented arglists
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 23:21:21 +0200
User-agent: KMail/5.1.3 (Linux/4.4.0-145-generic; KDE/5.18.0; x86_64; ; )

Hi Akim,

> Well, my reasoning was the opposite :)
> - I prefer to see the doc first, like documenting comments before
>   a function
> - I was more concerned with new "active" members than new documenting
>   members.
> But I'll change it to match your way.

Thanks. Still a but surprising:

> +  /* All the features of an argmatch group.  */                         \
> +  typedef struct                                                        \
> +  {                                                                     \
> +    const argmatch_##Name##_doc* docs;                                  \
> +    const argmatch_##Name##_arg* args;                                  \

I would have expected this to be reordered like this:

     /* All the features of an argmatch group.  */                         \
     typedef struct                                                        \
     {                                                                     \
       const argmatch_##Name##_arg* args;                                  \
       const argmatch_##Name##_doc* docs;                                  \

* So that all doc strings are close together in the struct.
* You prefer to see the doc first, but in the .texi that you have written you
  let the programmer define first argmatch_backup_args and then - considering
  the "groups of synonyms" - the argmatch_backup_docs.


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