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gnulib-tool.py: Simplify use of GLModuleTable accessors.

From: Collin Funk
Subject: gnulib-tool.py: Simplify use of GLModuleTable accessors.
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2024 00:47:57 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

This patch removes the GLModuleTable.__getitem__ function and changes
the dictionary-like indexing of the GLModuleTable objects to normal
function calls.

I mentioned some of my reasoning here:


GLConfig has the gnulib-comp.m4 reasoning for using this method [1]. I
don't see a similar reason for doing it in GLModuleTable. Changing
these to normal function calls makes it more clear that a variable is
a GLModuleTable and not a GLConfig or regular dictionary.

I can also see my typos in function names quickly. When I make typos
in keys I have to wait until things break at runtime. :)

Also, now it is easy to see that GLModuleTable.getAvoids() and
GLModuleTable.setAvoids() are not used. I think that it should be fine
to remove them in that case. Then we can make GLModuleTable.avoids a
set since it is only used for membership checks.

$ grep 'getAvoids' pygnulib/*.py
pygnulib/GLConfig.py:    def getAvoids(self) -> list[str]:
pygnulib/GLImport.py:        avoids = self.config.getAvoids()
pygnulib/GLModuleSystem.py:        for avoid in self.config.getAvoids():
pygnulib/GLModuleSystem.py:    def getAvoids(self) -> list[GLModule]:

$ grep 'setAvoids' pygnulib/*.py
pygnulib/GLConfig.py:        self.resetAvoids()
pygnulib/GLConfig.py:            self.setAvoids(avoids)
pygnulib/GLConfig.py:    def setAvoids(self, modules: list[str] | tuple[str]) 
-> None:
pygnulib/GLConfig.py:    def resetAvoids(self) -> None:
pygnulib/GLModuleSystem.py:    def setAvoids(self, modules: list[GLModule]) -> 

[1] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnulib/2024-03/msg00364.html


Attachment: 0001-gnulib-tool.py-Simplify-use-of-GLModuleTable-accesso.patch
Description: Text Data

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