On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 4:57 PM, Loic J. Duros
<address@hidden> wrote:
As you know I'm the new maintainer of IceCat and I thought maybe someone (maybe Giuseppe is reading this? :-)) could help me out spotting an issue:
I've noticed a bug when running 'sudo make install' with IceCat 12.0. This has worked on IceCat 10.0 and I can't locate where the issue is with the 12.0 codebase.
Whenever you run './configure && make' it will place the binaries and the rest of the files inside 'dist/bin/'.
You can start IceCat from there by running './icecat'. The extensions are installed fine there, and they are present in dist/bin/extensions/
However when running 'sudo make install', the extension files are not copied over to dist/bin/icecat, and neither are they copied to /usr/local/lib/icecat-12.0/
So when you run later icecat system-wide the extensions aren't loaded. There must be something missing in a Makefile.in or in the config/ folder. I'll have to make a diff again of all the files changed. I had to update a lot of the existing IceCat replacement files due to major updates to Firefox, so obviously something fell through the cracks. The issue can be fix by running something like: sudo mv dist/bin/extensions /usr/lib/local/icecat-12.0/. But as soon as I can spot the issue I'll make a new version (also FF13 is coming out this week.)
Many thanks for your help and for your patience,