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dlopen try / catch failure

From: Brian Hunt
Subject: dlopen try / catch failure
Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2002 14:09:06 GMT
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.0.1) Gecko/20020826

Hi everyone,

I cannot seem to catch errors either within or about objects opened with dlopen. See the code below for an example. I am using gcc 3.0.2 et al., as follows (this problem occurs with gcc 3.2, as well, I believe):

address@hidden ~/tmp/dlopen]$  g++ -o y.o y.cc -c
address@hidden ~/tmp/dlopen]$  ld -E -shared y.o -o y.so
address@hidden ~/tmp/dlopen]$  g++ x.cc -Wl,-E -ldl -rdynamic
address@hidden ~/tmp/dlopen]$ ./a.out
 Registered rae
Aborted (core dumped)

In the example below, I am autoregistering components into a factory map (alpha) using the _init() symbol for on linkage execution.

x.h has the (abstract) interface class "doe", and the extern definition for the factory "alpha". x.cc allocates space for the factory, and has a main function which iterates through the registered objects. y.cc extends "doe", into the class "rae", and defines extern "C" symbols _init() which autoregisters the rae class and doe*Rae() which returns a new rae object.

The simple explicit try / throw / catch block within the "rae::hello()" function elucidates the issue I am having. I have tried a number of linking and compiling options, but have yet to find a combination that solves this problem.

It is not even that there is failure passing a throw in a dlopen'ed symbol up to the main, although that fails too; the try/catch block is localized, yet still fails.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


//---- x.h
#include #include #ifndef __DOE_
#define __DOE_
class doe {
    virtual string hello() = 0;

typedef doe* doe_t();
typedef map fact;
extern fact alpha;

//----/ x.h

//---- x.cc
#include #include #include
using namespace std;
#include "x.h"

extern "C"{
    fact alpha;

int main(int argc, char**argv) {
    void * handle = dlopen("./y.so", RTLD_GLOBAL|RTLD_NOW);
    if (handle == NULL) {
        cerr << "Error opening y.so: " << dlerror() <::iterator sit = 
    for (; sit != alpha.end(); sit++) {
        doe * Y = alpha[sit->first]();
        std::cerr << " Registered " << sit->first << std::endl;
        std::cerr << " Hello: " << Y->hello() << std::endl;


//----/ x.cc

//---- y.cc
#include #include #include using namespace std;
#include "x.h"

class rae : public doe {
    virtual string hello() {
        try {
                // remove this throw, and everything works.
            throw runtime_error("Why does this throw abort?");
            return "I am the lizard queen!";
        } catch (runtime_error &e) {
            cerr <<" Caught exception: " <<e.what() <<endl;
            return "exception caught";

extern "C" {
    doe * Rae() { return new rae(); }
    void _init() { alpha["rae"] = Rae; }
//----/ y.cc

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