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bug#37604: man page description of -i confused someone

From: Tom Limoncelli
Subject: bug#37604: man page description of -i confused someone
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2019 09:08:59 -0400

There's an interesting question about grep posted on StackOverflow.com:


The user was confused why "-i" didn't apply to the NAMES of the files on
the command line.  Obviously this is a misunderstanding of the separation
of duties between the shell and the commands (shell expands wildcards, not
the command).  The top ranked answer for the question gently explained the

That said, I do take pity on the person, who may have been an early
beginner or possibly not a native English speaker.  The man page says:

       *-i*, *--ignore-case*

              Ignore case distinctions in both the PATTERN and the input


Taking off my developer hat and putting on my writer/author hat, I have to
agree that the man page could be phrased better.  I think the person got
caught up by seeing the word "files" instead of "contents". (I could also
make the case that the fact that stdin isn't really a file means the
sentence is inaccurate.)

My suggestion is to change the description to be:

   Ignore case distinctions in both the PATTERN and the contents being

even better would be to break it into multiple sentences. This would make
it perfectly clear:

   Ignore case during the search. Case is ignored in both the input
contents PATTERN and the contents being searched.


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