I won't follow your suggestion. Instead, you should generate metric
files for all URW fonts with the attached `Makefile.urw'. Proceed as
0. Unpack groff-1.20.1.tar.gz (or use the current CVS).
1. In `Makefile.urw', adapt the `afmdir' variable so that it points
to the right location of the AFM files for the URW fonts.
2. Copy `Makefile.urw' to `groff-1.20.1/font/devps/generate'.
3. Change to the `groff-1.20.1/font/devps' directory.
4. Copy `DESC.in' to `DESC'.
5. Say
make -f generate/Makefile.urw
6. Copy the generated `U*' metric files to a standard location for
groff font files (e.g. /usr/local/share/groff/1.20.1/font/devps).
Alternatively, check the troff(1) man page how to use the
GROFF_FONT_PATH environment variable.
[7. You can now delete the groff-1.20.1 directory.]
You are done. To process the above example with, say, the Times
variant of the URW fonts, call
echo '.PP
Zażółć gęślą jaźń.' | groff -k -fUT -ms