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Re: [Bug-grub] DAC960 raid controller

From: Adrian Phillips
Subject: Re: [Bug-grub] DAC960 raid controller
Date: 24 Aug 2001 08:50:25 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/20.7

>>>>> "Jason" == Jason Thomas <address@hidden> writes:

    Jason> the regex in the grub-install script doesn't currently
    Jason> support the device. so the first change needs to be
    Jason> there. once thats done. (patch attached) you then need to
    Jason> see what grub gets up to.

    Jason> can you also try doing the install from the grub shell
    Jason> rather than using grub-install.

    Jason> then we can figure out where to go from there. some
    Jason> debugging may be in order which is probably over my head.

Here is a patch to fix the rest, I don't have time for 2/3 weeks to
make sure it follows the standard and write a ChangeLog so if anyone
feels like doing that for me in the meanwhile (Jason ?) then go ahead.


Adrian Phillips

Attachment: grub-0.90.dac960
Description: DAC960 Patch pt2

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