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rootnoverify wierdness

From: Darrell Kavanagh
Subject: rootnoverify wierdness
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 01:43:54 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2b) Gecko/20021028


I found the message below in the archive from March this year, and am having a similar problem. I am triple-booting with grub - 2 linux dists and Windows ME. My set-up worked fine when first installed, using

rootnoverify (hd0,1)
chain loader +1

for windows (windows is on  the first disk, second partition).

When I came to run Windows today, I got the error 25 disk read failure. After reading the message below, I also replaced "rootnoverify" with "root", and windows now boots fine again.

Another observation is that after trying the windows boot, and getting the error, pressing enter returns to the grub menu, but grub would then hang when booting linux, and force a hard reset of the box (i.e. power off).

Is this a bug? what is going on? My grub version 0.92 was installed by redhat 8.0.


Darrell Kavanagh.


If I type this at the live grub prompt

 root (hd0,0)
 chain loader +1

my Windows 98 boots fine but if I type

 rootnoverify (hd0,0)
 chain loader +1

I get this error: "Error 25: Disk read error".

I think this may be a bug because the Grub documentation recommends the =
rootnoverify-chainloader combination and because Red Hat 7.2 also uses =
rootnoverify-chainloader in its anaconda-generated grub.lst file.

Grub version:
Linux version:
 Red Hat 7.2, installed today straight off an installation CD.
 366MHz Celeron
 2Gb first disk with one FAT32 partition
 8Gb second disk with three 2Gb FAT32 partitions, a swap partition
        and an ext2 partition.

I hope this bug report helps and thank you for looking after such a fine =
program as Grub!

Dominic Prior

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