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GRUB 0.93/Intel E7501

From: James E. Dobson
Subject: GRUB 0.93/Intel E7501
Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2003 10:46:29 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS sun4u; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20030711

Hi List,

I have an Intel E7501 board (happens to be in a Sun Fire V65x server) that I am trying to boot with GRUB. I've attempted to boot from both a floppy with a kernel on it as well as a floppy with network boot support. My tests seem to indicate that GRUB isn't able to execute the kernel, it loads both the kernel and my initrd then hangs once boot is run. Lilo appears to work on this system but I'm really interested in using GRUB with the network boot support (I'm currently using a 3c905C-TXM until support for e1000 is there).

root (nd)
Filesystem type is tftp, using whole disk kernel /linux ro root=/dev/ram ramdisk_size=32768 init=linuxrc [Linux-bzImage,setup=0x1400, size=0xfa203]
initrd /initrd
[Linux-initrd @ 0x1f46b000, 0xb74b0e bytes]

and here is the hang.

If anyone can help me debug this problem I would appreciate it! Oh and I am not on the list so please CC me!




// Jed Dobson
// Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences
// Dartmouth College
// address@hidden
// (603) 646-9324

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