My plan is to devise a linux system that will normally boot to
windows(say /dev/hda1), however once every X days it'll boot into
linux restore the windows partition from a backup and will boot back to
My problem is how to cause linux to boot only once. I thought of two approaches:
1) Modifying grub so that it'll be able to check the
existance of a file in the linux partition. With this file I'll signal
to grub linux has finished restoring the windows partition and it'll
load once. Except I'll implement some date checking function so that
linux would load once every X days. Instead of date checking I might
consider making my linux system write every time it loads the next date
it should be loaded.
Obviously this is the more relevant question here. Is it possible to
patch grub so that it'll load windows for the next X boot-times
and then get back to windows? Can I patch grub so it'll load linux on
certain dates (say every friday?)?
Please give me a some references, I've been programming with C for quite time.
[2) Building a kernel module that will enable me to load LILO even after
loading linux. With a full blown linux system my problems are over.
Since I have no idea about the infrastructure of the linux kernel, the
x86 machines or LILO, I have no idea which sollution is feasible. I'll
be glad for any help. I'll need only pointers to the documentation
Please note it'll be an opensource (hopefully usefull) project, and
also I'm willing to pay you a ridiculous amount of money for your small
I'm having a vacation this week and I'm planning to do this in the vacation. So I'll appreciate a quick response.
Thanks Anyway.