> On Thu, Feb 02, 2006 at 09:16:07AM -0800, 1arryb (sent by Nabble.com) wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > I'm running CentOS (Rocks 4.1) on a Compaq Presario.
> > >
> > > This machine boots fine from a cold start but won't reboot. I know the cpu is posting because I > can see the cdrom light and hdd light go on briefly, I presume, looking for a bootable partition. My /boot is a subdirectory of /, which is an efs3 partition on a SATA drive.
> I guess you mean ext3. I know no efs3, only efs (of SGI - partially
> supported by linux), which IIRC isn't supported by grub.
Yes. Typo.
> > >
> > > I don't know if this is relevant, but I don't see an e3fs_stage1_5 file in /boot/grub. Is it ok to boot from an efs3 partition?
> > >
> > > How can I debug this? NOTHING is written to the screen, no splash, no messages, no nada.
> You'll first have to describe with much more details what you do and what happens.
This works:
Power off/power on machine (machine boots Linux normally)
This doesn't work:
[from the root shell prompt]
init 6
[Machine shuts down normally, cd-rom light flashes, hdd light flashes, screen remains dark]
wait forever :-)
> If you cold boot into linux, then e.g. run /sbin/reboot, linux should
> boot through the BIOS etc., which should show its own messages before
> starting grub. So if it's not, it's a bug either in linux or in the
> BIOS. Do other OSes reboot well?
This machines boots/reboots Grub/FC4 normally with the same BIOS setup.