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Re: comparing procedures

From: Neil Jerram
Subject: Re: comparing procedures
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2008 13:10:52 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

Gregory Marton <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi folks,
> I'm trying to write a meaningful comparison operator for
> procedures.

Out of interest, why?

> Clearly this wants more than procedure-source, because
> variables in the source may be bound to different values in the
> procedure-environment.

Assuming that your objective is something like "will calling procedure
A have the same effect as calling procedure B", yes.

> I expected something like this to work:
> (define foo 3)
> (define bar (lambda (x) (+ x foo)))
> (define baz (lambda (x) (* x foo)))
> (define bar-env (procedure-environment bar))
> (define baz-env (procedure-environment baz))

OK up to here.

> (environment-fold
>   bar-env
>   (lambda (sym val so-far)
>     (and so-far
>          (environment-bound? baz-env sym)
>          (equal? val (environment-ref baz-env sym))))
>   #t)

Here is the problem.  All of the environment-* procedures are an
experimental thing that actual has no current connection to the rest
of Guile.

> But it turns out that procedure-environment returns something which is
> not something these procedures take as an argument, it's an
> eval-closure.

Yes; an "eval-closure" is Guile's term for the top-level environment
of a module.

If the lambda had been defined in a non-top-level environment
(e.g. within a let), procedure-environment would give you something
like this:

 (((a b c) . (3 #f (foo bar baz)))    ; innermost lexical env vars
  ((s t) . ("hi" 23))                 ; next outer lexical env vars
  <eval-closure>)                         ; top level env

> I would have thought that this was the wrong procedure but for
> postings like this:
>    http://www.cs.brown.edu/pipermail/plt-scheme/2005-August/009540.html

Well there's nothing wrong with procedure-environment.  Perhaps you
could ask William Josephson if you can use his code?

> Could someone point me towards the right way to compare the
> environment of a procedure field by field?  (Yes, I also have to make
> sure there are no extra fields in baz-env too, but that part I'll
> figure out.)

Given the above structure, you could compare the elements of the
list that procedure-environment returns.  When you get to comparing
two <eval-closure>s, I think the only sensible thing is to use eq?.

I've appended some code below that I just used to explore this a bit.

> Thanks, confusedly,
> Grem

I'm afraid it is a bit confusing, with the environment-* procs sitting
there.  I hope the above has helped.


address@hidden:~$ guile
guile> (define p (let ((a 1) (b 2)) (lambda () (list 4 5 6))))
guile> p
#<procedure p ()>
guile> (procedure-environment p)
(((b a) 2 1) #<eval-closure b7c238b0>)
guile> (define q (lambda () #t)
guile> (procedure-environment q)
(#<eval-closure b7c238b0>)
guile> (define pe (procedure-environment p))
guile> (define qe (procedure-environment q))
guile> (list? pe)
guile> (list? qe)
guile> (list? (car pe))
guile> (list? (car qe))

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