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bug#42544: openvpn service requires cert and key configuration

From: david larsson
Subject: bug#42544: openvpn service requires cert and key configuration
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2020 04:27:30 +0000

On 2020-07-26 04:53, david larsson wrote:
I have a vpn configuration that doesn't use cert and key configuration
lines so I receive errors like the following in /var/log/messages when
trying to start the vpn-client service:

localhost openvpn[1660]: Options error: --cert fails with 'disabled':
No such file or directory (errno=2)
localhost openvpn[1660]: Options error: --key fails with 'disabled':
No such file or directory (errno=2)

(the lines would say the default /etc/openvpn/client.crt if I wouldn't
have specified (cert "disabled") etc. in the guix service config)

I need a way to disable that these lines are being generated to the config-file.

Can be solved by changing those options to maybe-strings in gnu/services/vpn.scm and setting the default to disabled:

    ;;(string "/etc/openvpn/client.crt")
    (maybe-string 'disabled)
"The certificate of the machine the daemon is running on. It should be signed
by the authority given in @code{ca}.")

    ;;(string "/etc/openvpn/client.key")
    (maybe-string 'disabled)
"The key of the machine the daemon is running on. It must be the key whose
certificate is @code{cert}.")

I may eventually send some patches, including the addition of some more config-options.

Best regards,

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