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bug#43093: emacs-ess is broken by emacs 27.1

From: divoplade
Subject: bug#43093: emacs-ess is broken by emacs 27.1
Date: Mon, 07 Sep 2020 23:19:40 +0200
User-agent: Evolution 3.34.2

Hello Tim,

Le vendredi 04 septembre 2020 à 11:25 -0700, Tim Howes a écrit :
> I think, instead of disabling the test or trying to make it work
> with 
> emacs 27, I'd like to update emacs-ess to a more recent version.
> Right 
> now it's using the latest tagged release (18.10.2), which was from
> 2018, 
> but there's been active development on the github repo since then. I
> can 
> take the latest commit and give it a version number based on the
> commit 
> time, similar to how it's done on melpa (20200903.1516). I'll try
> making 
> a patch to update it to that version.

Right, emacs-ess is already a tag. Let's take the latest commit,

If I run guix hash -xr within the code, I get

The version would be 20200905.1022

If I do a drop-in replacement, remove the "Fix roxygen preview test."
modification and change the commands to disable julia, I get one other
test that fails:

Test ess-test-r-help-mode condition:
        (equal ess-help-object "plot.default")
        (equal ess-help-object "plot")))
       (equal ess-help-object "plot.default")
       (equal ess-help-object "plot"))
      :value nil))

The test is in test/ess-test-r.el, line 628.

(ert-deftest ess-test-r-help-mode ()
  (with-r-running nil
    (let ((ess-pop-to-buffer t))
      (ess-display-help-on-object "plot")
      (should (equal ess-help-object "plot"))
      (should (derived-mode-p 'ess-r-help-mode))
      ;; Ensure help buffers after button presses are also in
      ;; `ess-r-help-mode', Bug#836
      (forward-button 2)
      (should (or (equal ess-help-object "plot.default")
                  (equal ess-help-object "plot"))) ;; Badaboom
                                                ;;(the value is "NULL")
      (should (derived-mode-p 'ess-r-help-mode)))))

Looking at its friend, ess-test-r-index-mode, line 643:

(ert-deftest ess-test-r-index-mode ()
  (skip-unless (not noninteractive)) ;; negation overflow ;p
  (with-r-running nil
    (let ((ess-pop-to-buffer t))
      (ess-display-package-index "stats")
      (should (equal ess-help-object "stats"))
      (should (derived-mode-p 'ess-r-help-mode))
      ;; Ensure help buffers after button presses are also in
      ;; `ess-r-help-mode', Bug#836
      (forward-button 2)
      (should (equal ess-help-object "plot.default"))
      (should (derived-mode-p 'ess-r-help-mode)))))

it seems that these tests should only run if (not (not (not (not
interactive)))) (i.e. interactive), and ess-test-r-help-mode has missed
a copy-paste.

Also, the license has changed: it is now gpl3+!

Anyway, here is a version that's working (I tested it with "emacs-ess-
next" as a name, but replaced it for this message).

Sorry, I don't know how to make a patch.

Best regards,


Attachment: modified-emacs.scm
Description: Text Data

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