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Cellular News

From: address@hidden
Subject: Cellular News
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2005 06:15:03 -0800

We connect the world

 Box: Cellphoneonly.com


Why cellphoneonly.com?

Those companies that have made the most extensive use of cellphoneonly.com have found that even though the quantifiable benefits are significant, it is the strategic benefits of electronic reengineering that really are the most value to the organization.

Benefits of using cellphoneonly.com's system.

These strategic benefits include:

· The quality and speed of service to customer is improved.


· The organization's competitive edge is enhanced and operating costs are reduced throughout the organization.


· Trading partner relationships are strengthened by helping them reduce costs while offering improved customer response.


· Timely marketing information creates improved sales forecasting and business planning.


· Employee energies are focused upon more productive business activities, which yield higher profits and improved staff moral as a result of job enrichment.



Text Box: IDI

Volume 1, Issue 2, 2/21/05

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Newly Designed Sites

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Text Box: Newsletter Spotlight

310-539-2151 PH

310-517-8597 FX


Implemented properly, cellphoneonly.com can save companies a lot of time and money in both personnel and material costs. Because incoming orders, invoices, etc. no longer have to be entered into a company's computer system manually, the labor cost of the data entry personnel is saved. Furthermore, there is no possibility of keypunch error. For outgoing documents, all of the paper and paper handling costs associated with printing and mailing the documents are saved. There are no costs associated with transmitting documents such as invoices.

Virtual inventory stores, used in many Internet stores, cannot exist without system like cellphoneonly.com. The importers need to communicate purchasing and shipping schedules to their vendors almost daily,  master agents need to communicate product information and offering to their dealers daily, which is why manufacturers, importers, master agents are strongly recommended to be “cellphoneonly.com enabled” to provide better and quicker services to their customers.

Master Agents and Manufacturers, such as American Wireless, Celluphone, CCM, should request their customers to be “cellphoneonly.com enabled” to streamline the supply and chain just as importers and wholesalers. These retailers rely on low inventory levels, and high inventory turnover, to save money. They also want to be able to respond quickly to demand or shortage situations. The type of quick communication required in this environment is not possible without cellphoneonly.com.

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