Thou shalt be quiet. Ye have loved me both when I waspresent with you, and now
beingabsent, ye cease not to do so. But theyaccording to the desires of
theflesh, understood him as if hehad only meant it of meats. 14 And what
follows?--Andthere was a river running on theright hand, and beautiful
treesgrew up by it; and he that shalleat of them shall live for ever.
4 I
beseech you, that you hearkento me in love; that I may not bythose things which
I write, rise upin witness against you.
Thou shaltnot cleave to those that
walk inthe way of death. And the knowledge thathas been given to us for
walkingin it, to this effect: Thou shaltlove him that made thee: thoushalt
glorify him that hathredeemed thee from death. Pray without ceasingask more
understanding than whatthou already hast.
Then shaltnot take honour to
4 I beseech you, that you hearkento me in love; that I may not
bythose things which I write, rise upin witness against you. 6 But if you
shall love my body,I shall have my course again torun.
And the knowledge
thathas been given to us for walkingin it, to this effect: Thou shaltlove him
that made thee: thoushalt glorify him that hathredeemed thee from death.
But it becomes all such asare married, whether men or women,to come together
with the consentof the bishop, that so theirmarriage may be according
togodliness, and not in lust. Bear with all men even as theLord with thee.
the Lord knoweththe way of the righteous, and theway of the ungodly shall
perish. 9 But I know that even after hisresurrection he was in the flesh;and I
believe that he is still so. For the Lord knoweththe way of the righteous, and
theway of the ungodly shall perish. 3 For I have observed that youare settled
in an immoveable faith,as if you were nailed to the crossof our Lord Jesus
Christ, both inthe flesh and in the spirit; andare confirmed in love through
theblood of Christ; being fullypersuaded of those things whichrelate unto our
Lord. 2 Having known that thy mindtowards God, is fixed as it wereupon an
immoveable rock;I exceedingly give thanks, thatI have been thought worthy
tobehold thy blessed face, inwhich may I always rejoice in God.
I WRITE to the
churches, andsignify to them all, that I amwilling to die for God, unless
youhinder me. Amen.
21 But to me Jesus Christinstead of all the
uncorruptedmonuments in the world; togetherwith those undefiled monuments,his
cross, and death, andresurrection, and the faithwhich is by him; by which
Idesire, through your prayers,to be justified. 7 Besides him, let nothing
beworthy of you; for whom also Ibear about these bonds; thosespiritual jewels,
in which I wouldto God that I might arise throughyour prayers.
4 For if all
these things weredone only in show by our Lord,then do I also seem only to
bebound:5 And why have I given up myselfto death, to the fire, to thesword, to
wild beasts?6 But now the nearer I am tothe sword, the nearer I am toGod: when
I shall come amongthe wild beasts, I shall come toGod.