You are right, said she, I have often thought of it. Milady made no reply, but
became as pale as a corpse.
Allow me, then, to avoid dishonor bydeath; let me
take refuge in martyrdom. I wished to run to thewindow and call for help, but
my legs refused their office. I do not ask you forliberty, as a guilty one
would, nor for vengeance, as would apagan.
Thats well madame; andthere is an
old proverb that says, Traveling trains youth. A terrible idea, however, rushed
into her mind. You have done right, Lieutenant, said the soldier. While yet
young, unfortunately handsome, I was dragged intoa snare. Milady followed him
with her eyes, and made a gesture ofsatisfaction.
Could you not spare me the
increase of torturewhich your visits cause me?
You are right, said she, I have
often thought of it. Then she threw herself upon her knees, and began to
I have placed reliance uponyou, my friend.
Lord de Winter took a chair,
drew it toward her,and sat down close beside her.
My clotheswere near me on a
chair; I neither remembered having undressedmyself nor going to bed. Felton
took back the weapon, and laid it upon the table, as hehad agreed with the
You know that the English laws are inexorable on the abuse
I wished to run to thewindow and call for help, but my legs refused
their office. Face to face with Lord de Winter her plan of conduct was
moreeasy. Finally, said Felton, finally, what did they do? In the evening Lord
de Winter accompanied the supper.
Feltonwould see all; perhaps he would say
nothing, but he would see. But Lord de Wintermakes cruel accusations against
you. While yet young, unfortunately handsome, I was dragged intoa snare.
you are ignorant of Lord de Winters designs upon me? She had laid that down the
preceding evening. That I can have nothing to say to a man who does not keep
You are onlyresponsible for my body, is it not so?
Like all persons of
real genius, Miladyknew what suited her nature and her means. replied
theprisoner, with a smile of incredulity.
Ennui is the mortal enemy of
prisoners; I had ennui, and Iamused myself with twisting that rope.
Of what
consequence to me isimprisonment or death?
Tomorrow I will come andannounce to
you the departure of my messenger.
While yet young, unfortunately handsome, I
was dragged intoa snare. said Felton, I doubted, but now I believe.