Hewas in constant fear that Hani would unearth it, and swore me tosecrecy.
long is this rigmarole going to take? Why, Hani, did you imagine you might be
of service to us? What are the lights doing on in the museum?
Hell get a bill
of insanity with free lodging andmedical care for the rest of his life. Im
drifting in and out of the house constantly.
It was brought from Egypt by
Doctor Bliss, Vance told him. The key was in the lock, just as you seeit
Is he coming here to givehimself up, bringing all the necessary proof with
him? He hasnt a private phone, and I dontknow the number of the house exchange.
Vance spoke in low, level and quiet tones. Im sure he could fill in a few of
the gaps. The lastperson in the museum is supposed to turn off the switch. Here
on the crystalknob is faintly engraved the kings cartouche. There were other
points about theaffair still less intelligent.
Markham was becoming annoyed at
Vances vagueness.
Does that answer your questionsatisfactorily?
No doubt taken
with the dagger, Bliss supplemented.
I saw the old scalawag slip in into his
khaki shirt whenhe found it.
Half an hour later Heath was ushered into the
You arequite positive you have never seen it before? And another
point might be considered, Mr.
We had descended but a few steps when a calm,
flat voice from theupper hall arrested us. He came, so Brushsays, at about
eight, and must have departed unobserved.
It could hardly be called dinner,
though. It couldnt have been unlocked from the outside? Bliss, Vance replied
withgentle sternness. Vance appeared satisfied and waved his hand toward the
door. Vance shook his head seriously in disagreement. Hani was watching Vance
with lowering concern. But I am quitesure that he did not leave his room after