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Can you help?

From: george
Subject: Can you help?
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 21:55:09 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090325)


I am not able to establish the connection using httptunnel, I am constantly getting this error:

20100119 134207 hts (httptunnel) 3.3 started with arguments:
20100119 134207   me = ./hts
20100119 134207   device = (null)
20100119 134207   port = 443
20100119 134207   forward_port = 22
20100119 134207   forward_host = localhost
20100119 134207   content_length = 102400
20100119 134207   strict_content_length = 0
20100119 134207   use_std = 0
20100119 134207   debug_level = 3
20100119 134207   pid_filename = (null)
20100119 134207         waiting for tunnel connection
20100120 015138 connection from XX.XX.XX.XX:XXXX
20100120 015138 tunnel_out_setsockopts: non-fatal SO_SNDLOWAT error: Protocol not available
20100120 015138         tunnel_out_setsockopts: non-fatal SO_SNDLOWAT: 1
20100120 015138 tunnel_out_setsockopts: SO_LINGER: onoff=1 linger=2000
20100120 015138         tunnel_out_setsockopts: non-fatal TCP_NODELAY: 1
20100120 015138         tunnel_out_setsockopts: SO_KEEPALIVE: 1
20100120 015138         tunnel_accept: output connected
20100120 015148     tunnel_accept: poll timed out
20100120 015148     tunnel_accept: in_fd = -1, out_fd = 5
20100120 015148         tunnel_accept: input disconnected
20100120 015148         tunnel_out_disconnect: output disconnected
20100120 015148 couldn't accept connection: Success
20100120 015148         waiting for tunnel connection
20100120 015149 connection from XX.XX.XX.XX:XXXX
20100120 015149 tunnel_out_setsockopts: non-fatal SO_SNDLOWAT error: Protocol not available
20100120 015149         tunnel_out_setsockopts: non-fatal SO_SNDLOWAT: 1
20100120 015149 tunnel_out_setsockopts: SO_LINGER: onoff=1 linger=2000
20100120 015149         tunnel_out_setsockopts: non-fatal TCP_NODELAY: 1
20100120 015149         tunnel_out_setsockopts: SO_KEEPALIVE: 1
20100120 015149         tunnel_accept: output connected
20100120 015159     tunnel_accept: poll timed out
20100120 015159     tunnel_accept: in_fd = -1, out_fd = 5
20100120 015159         tunnel_accept: input disconnected
20100120 015159         tunnel_out_disconnect: output disconnected
20100120 015159 couldn't accept connection: Success
20100120 015159         waiting for tunnel connection
20100120 015159 connection from XX.XX.XX.XX:XXXX
20100120 015159 tunnel_out_setsockopts: non-fatal SO_SNDLOWAT error: Protocol not available
20100120 015159         tunnel_out_setsockopts: non-fatal SO_SNDLOWAT: 1
20100120 015159 tunnel_out_setsockopts: SO_LINGER: onoff=1 linger=2000
20100120 015159         tunnel_out_setsockopts: non-fatal TCP_NODELAY: 1
20100120 015159         tunnel_out_setsockopts: SO_KEEPALIVE: 1
20100120 015159         tunnel_accept: output connected
20100120 015209     tunnel_accept: poll timed out
20100120 015209     tunnel_accept: in_fd = -1, out_fd = 5
20100120 015209         tunnel_accept: input disconnected
20100120 015209         tunnel_out_disconnect: output disconnected
20100120 015209 couldn't accept connection: Success
20100120 015209         waiting for tunnel connection

I am under the firewall

Thank you

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