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RE: prealpha hush release

From: Gregg C Levine
Subject: RE: prealpha hush release
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 18:40:45 -0500

Hello (again) from Gregg C Levine
According to the people who lurk there , me included, on the Busy Box
list, that name, isn't exactly the same as yours. It there, is a
simple shell. Most of them there, use ASH, or even anything else but
that one. Your name, as is, should stay. I just jumped to too many
conclusions. Besides, I wasn't aware of how you worked out the name,
your idea makes sense, given how the HURD works.
Don't worry about the name conflict, it won't matter. Besides, I
haven't told them about it. 
Gregg C Levine hansolofalcon@worldnet.att.net
"The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
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(This company dedicates this E-Mail to Master Yoda )

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jose E. Marchesi [mailto:jemarch@es.gnu.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 6:21 PM
> To: Gregg C Levine
> Cc: 'Robert Millan'; jemarch@gnu.org; bug-hurd@gnu.org
> Subject: RE: prealpha hush release
> Hi,
>  > Correct me, if I am wrong here, José, but Hush, is another specie
>  > member of the type of shells, it is one of the many shells found
>  > inside Busy Box, and is also available separately. What José has
>  > is bring it to the HURD projects. And incidentally, I'm not the
>  > of the named utility there, that's someone else's credit.
> I am somewhat confused. I did not know that another project named
> "HUSH" was lurking around (another shell, indeed!)
> My HUSH mean for HUrdish SHell, and is an extension to GNU bash to
> Hurd interpreted translators. It is entirely new work. It not
> to any other shell.
> So apologizes for the name conflict. I am thinking on other names
> for my bash extension. Any idea? :)
> --
> Jose E. Marchesi <jemarch@es.gnu.org>
> GNU Spain        http://es.gnu.org
> GNUs Not Unix!   http://www.gnu.org
> --
> "And if cynics ridicule freedom, ridicule community... if 'hard
> realists' say that profit is the only ideal...just ignore them, and
> use copyleft all the same." -- RMS
> ---

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