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Re: [GSoC] GNU/Hurd Sound Support

From: olafBuddenhagen
Subject: Re: [GSoC] GNU/Hurd Sound Support
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 00:52:11 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.17+20080114 (2008-01-14)


On Tue, Apr 01, 2008 at 03:15:59PM +0200, Mohammed Gamal wrote:

> I am familiar with the Linux kernel, although on a basic "big picture"
> level, and I am also familiar with its device driver subsystem.
> However the whole point of GSoC is to develop one's skills by getting
> involved in the FOSS community, so I really don't mind learning a lot
> of things, the question is whether it'd be feasible to learn and
> acquire the skills needed for this project in the scope of GSoC?

Well, it would probably be possible for a very capable developer. We
don't know your skills yet, so we have no idea whether it is possible
for you... It's rather ambitious, to be sure.

> Wouldn't this require a glue layer in order to use other OSs drivers?
> One GSoC idea was to update the the Linux glue layer for recent
> kernels, so wouldn't adding sound support with the approach you
> mentioned above require - for the long term - a new glue layer to be
> implemented first?

Indeed there is some overlapping -- updating the glue for newer drivers
will also require redoing part of the sound driver related code. But we
need to start somewhere...


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