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Re: Google Summer of Code 2009

From: Evgeniy Ivanov
Subject: Re: Google Summer of Code 2009
Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2009 17:24:23 +0300
User-agent: KMail/1.11.0 (Linux/; KDE/4.2.0; i686; ; )


On Sat March 7 2009 11:20:00 olafBuddenhagen@gmx.net wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Mar 06, 2009 at 12:52:04PM +0100, Thomas Schwinge wrote:
> > I do know that Olaf likes to use them, but what about making these
> > texts more formally appealing and remove all (or most of) the smileys?
> I can only repeat my petition to disable this idiotic image replacement
> -- it indeed makes the smileys look silly.
> However, I object to removing the smileys. I put them in for a reason:
> liking them has nothing to do with it.
> These pages are for the potential students to read. Many of them are new
> to free software development, and most of them are rather awed by it. An
> overly formal text would only make it worse. Our requirements for the
> application are probably intimidating enough without it -- we should do
> everything possible to counteract that!
> I believe the friendly smileys to have an important psychological
> effect: they have the express purpose of making the text less formal and
> thus intimidating.

As a former GSoCer I can confirm it. More than that: it's important for people 
who are new to your community, but not just to free software.
As we discovered with Sergey at the meeting: every organization has its own 
outstanding characteristics, so people always think: who are that guys doing 
Hurd? And smileys are really friendly (except those ugly gifs).

Best regards, Evgeniy.
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