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Re: [Web Updates: rump, libirqhelp, libmachdev, markup changes 4/4] Upda

From: Samuel Thibault
Subject: Re: [Web Updates: rump, libirqhelp, libmachdev, markup changes 4/4] Updated information about rump.
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2024 23:47:06 +0200

jbranso@dismail.de via Bug reports for the GNU Hurd, le sam. 12 oct. 2024 
10:36:51 -0400, a ecrit:
>  When you see the
> +Grub splash sceen press "c", this will let you change your boot
> +options.  Add in the option "noide".  This will force GNU Mach to
> +disable the old Linux disk drivers, and the Hurd will instead try to
> +use rumpdisk.
> +
> +You can compile GNU Mach without old Linux drivers baked into the
> +kernel with `--disable-ide`.

You can also record the noide option in /etc/default/grub's
GRUB_CMDLINE_GNUMACH and run update-grub, so it's put on all kernel

> +The Hurd will call SATA devices "sd0",

? it's not the Hurd that calls them so. Actually I don't understand why
in the text above you talk about using sd0: if you use rumpdisk you have
to change everything to wd0.

> +If we wish to support most wifi/ethernet devices, then we will
> +also need to implement firmware loading, which we currently do not
> +support.

Referring to non-free firmwares is also questionable for FSF projects.


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