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Gather suggestions about how to set up a more friendly development envir

From: Zhaoming Luo
Subject: Gather suggestions about how to set up a more friendly development environment on hurd vm
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2025 13:13:13 +0800


I would like to try to add a wiki page introducing how to set up a more
friendly development environment in hurd vm. That wiki page will
introduce some plugins that would be useful while reading source code,
like `any-jump.vim`, and Emacs' `dumb-jump` suggested by gnucode (thanks
gnucode :)), and how to set up clangd lsp with vim; this is quite easy to
set up on GNU/Linux, but it's not the case on Hurd as some softwares are
missing. For example, on my GNU/Linux I use coc[0] on vim and bear[1],
but on Hurd, I cannot use coc as it requires nodejs, as it is 'not
present in the architecture list set by the maintainer'[2]. I cannot use
bear to generate `compile_commands.json` as a dependency of bear failed
to be built on hurd[3] and I'm not able to fix it. At the end I still
got an environment using vim-lsp[4] and compiledb[5] \o/, so now I can read
the hurd source code in a better way using 'go to definition'.

I know we are lack of manpower so the technical document is not always
up to date. Therefore, reading source code is often a better to learn
Hurd. I think providing some instructions for setting up a relatively
user-friendly development environment can allow new contributors start
learning Hurd in a shorter time.

I would also like to collect more plugins or softwares you are using to
develop Hurd on Hurd vm so the wiki page can be more comprehensive, as I
don't know much about development tools :-).

Best wishes,


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