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bug#43687: Web search should be customizable

From: Robert Weiner
Subject: bug#43687: Web search should be customizable
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2020 23:55:36 -0400

For now you can just directly edit the menus and then reload.  hui-menu.el (pulldown menu) and hui-mini.el (minibuffer menu).
Maybe we should provide a convenience function for replacing a menu.  -- Bob

On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 1:12 AM Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> wrote:
In free software movement, we try to avoid non-free _javascript_
websites, so in my opinion, the web search should be customizable:

> Amazon Bing Dictionary Elisp Google Hub(git) Images Maps RFCs
>  StackOverflow Twitter Wikipedia Youtube F-Droid DuckDuckGo

Examples how I would personally customize it:

- I would myself put my self-hosted searx instance at first place, so
  I would like to easily customize Hyperbole web search

- Amazon and Bing I would remove for privacy and _javascript_ reasons

- Hub(git) I would rename to call it Github as original

- Images is unclear, yet it uses Google, I would modify it to use
  Duckduckgo or other privacy search engine

- Maps uses Google, I would use Openstreetmaps or other privacy search

- I would remove Twitter and use GNU Social or Pleroma searches

- I would remove YouTube and use other video search

In general customization should contain:

- Name of the search engine

- the URL with some replacements for the search query, such as %s

- the letter that should be upcased or its key press

In general, Hyperbole should not hardcode various external resources.


I use:  Editor:      GNU Emacs 28.0.50 (build 15, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, cairo version 1.14.8, Xaw3d scroll bars)

        Hyperbole:   7.1.2
        Sys Type:    x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
        OS Type:     gnu/linux
        Window Sys:  x
        News Reader: Gnus v5.13

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