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Re: [bug-inetutils] Present libshishi support.

From: Simon Josefsson
Subject: Re: [bug-inetutils] Present libshishi support.
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2012 13:07:00 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/23.3 (gnu/linux)

Mats Erik Andersson <address@hidden> writes:

> torsdag den  9 augusti 2012 klockan 19:40 skrev Simon Josefsson detta:
>> Mats Erik Andersson <address@hidden> writes:
>> However, if you have more than one ticket in your ticket cache, I'm not
>> sure there is a way to ask the client which ticket to use.  MIT/Heimdal
>> doesn't have this problem, I believe, since they don't support storing
>> tickets for multiple user principals in their ticket files.  We would
>> need another switch for this, say:
>> telnet --realm EX.ORG --remote-principal telnet/kdc.ex.org
>>         --use-ticket sigge/address@hidden kdc.ex.org
>> where --realm and --remote-principal specify the Kerberos name of the
>> remote server and --use-ticket specify which local ticket it should
>> authenticate with.
> This needs serious thinking.
> The recent interop server leads to a further line of refinement:
>   * Is it difficult to implement in telnetd a compatibility
>     layer of encryption in order that a MIT Kerberos or
>     Heimtal telnet client be made able to use encrypted
>     communication with our libshishi based telnet server?

Doesn't that work automatically?  The selection complexity is only on
the client side.  MIT/Heimdal doesn't have the complexity, because only
one principal identity is supported.  Shishi have the complexity, but
there is no complexity on the server side.  The complexity is in the
client side (i.e., telnet) when selecting which ticket to use.  We can
punt on this, and just use the "default" Shishi ticket.  I think that
would be an acceptable solution.


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