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possible bug in 1.6.4

From: Kirk Howe
Subject: possible bug in 1.6.4
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 08:22:59 -0700 (PDT)


I've recently started to use lilypond and I think that I've run into a

I'm running the cygwin build of lilypond 1.6.4.

The attached 2 files are a segement of the bass line for a piece that
I'm writing.  In the 3/4 section of test1.ly, it only puts 5 8th notes
in measure 19, then it puts the remaining one in measure 20.  When it
returns to 4/4, the beats continue to be off.

In the file test2.ly, I've commented out measure 19 and everything else
works correctly.

Since I am new to using lilypond, it's possible that I've made an
error, but I've tried to count the number of beats and I think that the
timing is correct.

Other than this, so far I'm very impressed with this software.  I've
been using a mixture of Cakewalk and Finale for several years to do
this type of work, but I've always found them to be ackward to do a
complete printout of my compositions and arrangements.  

Thank you,
Kirk Howe

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Attachment: test1.ly
Description: test1.ly

Attachment: test2.ly
Description: test2.ly

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