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LilyPond crashed (signal 11).Please submit a bug report

From: Fulko van Westrenen
Subject: LilyPond crashed (signal 11).Please submit a bug report
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 14:46:26 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/


I just built GNU LilyPond 1.6.6 from the Debian sources. I upgraded from
1.4.12 because that gave problems with the melody I wanted to set. The
whole system was built on Debian woody (stable).

The result was not as expected:

LilyPond crashed (signal 11).Please submit a bug report to

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/ly2dvi", line 1014, in ?
    run_lilypond (files, dep_prefix)
  File "/usr/bin/ly2dvi", line 516, in run_lilypond
    error ("\n\n" + _ ("LilyPond crashed (signal %d).") % signal \
  File "/usr/bin/ly2dvi", line 151, in error
    sys.exit (2)
SystemExit: 2

The source is Gregorian chant, set as a normal score but without the beams. 
At present it is not ready, but if it crashes now, it will crash later.
Does anyone know what the cause can be, or how I properly set this type
of music? 

There is one question that has nothing to do with this crash, but
someone may know the answer: the single bars must not the notmal bars,
but 2/3 of their length, and lifted slightly. I would like to define
\bar "'". Another bartype is a bar that is only 2/3 in length, but it
remains in the middle, it is not lifted, So that would require a second
definition \bar ",". I can't figure out how to do this.

The score that crashed lilypond:

% gezet door Fulko van Westrenen
% februari 2003

\header {
    subtitle="hele toon lager"
    composer="15e-16e eeuw"

\include "paper16.ly"

global =  \notes {
 \property Score.timing = ##f
 \property Voice.Stem = \turnOff
%  \transpose bes
%  \key a \major

melodyA = 
%  \transpose bes
  \key a \major
 d'4 fis'( g' )a' a'--( b' a' g' a'-- d'' b' a' g' a' b' )a' \bar "|"
 a'4( fis' e' d' g' )fis' e'()e' d' \bar "||" \break
 fis'4 fis'( e' d' c' d'-- d' fis' g' a'-- b' a' g' )a' \bar "|"
 a'4( fis' e' d' g' )fis' e'()e' d' \bar "||" \break
 d''4 cis'' d''( cis'' b' cis'' d'' a'-- d'' a' b'-- fis' g' )a' \bar "|"
 a'4(fis' e' d' g' )fis' e' e' d' \bar "||" \break
 d''4 cis'' d''( cis'' b' cis'' d'' a'-- d'' a' b'-- fis' g' )a' \bar "|"
 a'4( fis' e' d' g' )fis' e'()e' d'
 \bar "|."

melodyB = 
%  \transpose bes
 \key a \major
 s4 fis'2 s4 e'4 d'2 s4 cis'4 d'2( s2 )d'2( s4 )d'2 s2 b2 cis'4() cis' d'
 s4 b2 s1. d'2( s2 )d'2( s4 )d'2 s2 b2 cis'4( )cis' d'
 d'2 s2. d'2 d'4 d'2 s4 d'2 d'4 d'2 s2 b2 cis'4 cis' d'
 d'2 s2. e'2 d'4 d'2 s2. d'2 d'4 d'2 d'4 d'2 e'4 d'2 s2 b2 cis'4 cis' d'
 \bar "|."

melodyC = 
  \transpose b
  \key a \major
% \bar "|."

melodyD = 
  \transpose b
  \key a \major
% \bar "|."

textA = 
\lyrics {

textB = 
\lyrics {

\score {
    \context GrandStaff \notes
        \simultaneous {
%\property Voice.Stem = \turnOff
            \context Staff =upper 
                \clef treble
%               \property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t
%               \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t

                \context Voice=one {\voiceOne  \melodyA}
                \context Voice=two {\voiceTwo  \melodyB}

            \context Lyrics=TextA
                \property Lyrics.LyricText \override #'font-relative-size = #'-1

            \context Staff =lower
                \clef bass
%               \property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t
%               \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t
                \context Voice=three {\voiceOne \melodyC}
                \context Voice=four {\voiceTwo \melodyD}
    \paper {linewidth = 15.0\cm}

Fulko van Westrenen
email: address@hidden

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