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Bug: programming error

From: Ulrich Windl
Subject: Bug: programming error
Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 08:22:05 +0200


here's a bug report:

address@hidden:~/MUDELA> ly2dvi FainneGealAnLae.ly
Running LilyPond...
GNU LilyPond 1.6.6
Now processing: `FainneGealAnLae.ly'
Interpreting music...[8][16][18]
Preprocessing elements... 
Calculating column positions... programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found 
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found (Continuing; cross thumbs)
paper output to `FainneGealAnLae.tex'...
writing header field `title' to `FainneGealAnLae.title'...

Interpreting music...
MIDI output to `FainneGealAnLae.midi'...
Track ... 
Analyzing FainneGealAnLae.tex...
Running LaTeX...
DVI output to `FainneGealAnLae.dvi'...
MIDI output to `FainneGealAnLae.midi'...

Here's the input:

%$Id: FainneGealAnLae.ly,v 1.2 2001/08/05 00:56:18 windl Exp $
        filename = "FainneGealAnLae.ly"
        title = "F\\'ainne Geal An Lae"
        enteredby = "Ulrich Windl"

\version "1.3.148"

papersize = "a4"

melody = \notes \relative c' {
        \clef violin \key d \major
        \time 4/4
        \partial 4 [d8( )e] | fis4 fis fis [e8( )fis] | a4 a b [a8 fis] | d4 e 
d d |
        d2. a'4 | b4. a8 b4 d | fis,4. e8 d4 fis | a fis d' fis, |
        e2. a4 | b4. a8 b4 d | fis,4. e8 d4 fis | a fis d' fis, |
        e2. [d8 e] | fis4 fis fis [e8 fis] | a4 a b [a8( )fis] | d4 e d d | d2. 
\skip 4
        \bar "|."

irishText = \lyrics{
        Ar4__ maid-- in moch do__ ghabas a-- mach ar__ bhru-- ach loch-- a

        l\'ein.2.  An4 samh-4. radh8 teacht4 san chraobh4. len8 ais4 'gus
        lonn-- radh te \'on

        ngr\'ein.2. Ar4 tais-4. teal8 dom4 tr\'e bhail--4. te8 poirt4 'gus
        b\'an-- ta m\'i-- ne

        r\'eidhe2. Ci-8 a gheobainn4 lem ais ach8 an
        ch\'uil--4 fhionn deas le__ f\'ain- ne geal an lae.2.

\score {
                \property Staff.midiInstrument = "whistle"
                \context Lyrics \irishText
        \paper { indent = 0 }
        \midi {
                \tempo 4=120


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