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sourcing profile with zsh

From: Olivier Guéryéry
Subject: sourcing profile with zsh
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 02:51:01 +0200

I've already post a bug some time ago about this (chek it here : http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-lilypond/2003-08/msg00007.html ) who result with modification in buildscript/out/lilypond-profile. But the bug is still here :

- doing a 'source lilypond-1.8.1/buildscripts/out/lilypond-profile' kill the terminal where I run the command ;

- doing a 'source lilypond-1.7,30/buildscripts/out/lilypond-profile' don't kill the terminal, but cause problem to run lily 1,8 ;

- the solution is to run first 'source lilypond-1.7,30/buildscripts/ out/lilypond-profile' and after 'source lilypond-1.8.1/buildscripts/ out/lilypond-profile' then, I can use lilypond 1.8.

My ZSH_NAME is "zsh"
  ZSH_VERSION is "4.1.0-dev-7"

I'm under gentoo 1.4

What is strange is that I'm the only one. Maybe there's a problem with my instalation.


PS : I've just tried with lily 1.9.6, it's the same.
Olivier <address@hidden>

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